The Star Trek universe was originally created by Gene Roddenberry and is property of Paramount Pictures. I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended.


Differences (September 2004)
Series: TOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: [PG]
Category: drabble
Prompt: 'Parallels'.


Spot's journal (2003-2005)
Series: TNG
Characters: Spot, Data, LaForge, Troi
Rating: [G]
Category: drabble/ficlet, humour
Summary: A series drabbles/ficlets focusing on Spot, Data's cat.
A/N: Ficlets written for the Theatrical Muse Livejournal community: authors choose their "muses" and write drabbles/ficlets from their point of view. My muse of choice was Spot, Data's cat. I'm not working on this project anymore.

Star Trek TNG drabbles (January-February 2004)
Series: TNG
Characters: Data, LaForge, Lore, Spot
Rating: [G to PG-13]
Category: drabbles, humour, slash
Summary: A series of drabbles written for various challenges.

Second best (January 2004)
Series: TNG
Pairing: Picard/Q
Rating: [R]
Category: PWP, humour
Summary: What happened after Beverly left Picard's quarters at the end of "Attached"?
A/N: Written for Kira, who asked for a fic cointaining the following dialogue:

"What's wrong?"
"Do you want the socially acceptable answer or the truth?"
"The truth."
"I haven't had sex in a very long time, and you're really turning me on."

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